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Athletes and celebritiess who have incorporated DIONNA™ solutions into their diet.

"DIONNA™ was the added hydration that I needed in the harsh, dry conditions of Denali. I had it with me all the way to the top, and you can bet that it will be with me down here as well." -- Ruben Medina

DIONNA™ - the "top" water in North America: LITERALLY!

On the shoulders of extreme mountain climber Ruben Medina, DIONNA has journeyed to the highest point in North America: Mt. McKinley, Alaska. Also referred to as Denali ("The Great One"), Mt. McKinley stands a magnificent 20,320 ft and is the third highest of the world's top seven summits. First climbed in 1913 by Hudson Stuck, Walter Harper, Henry Karstens, and Robert Tatum from the United States, Mt. McKinley's glaciers begin at 2,590 ft. and have an unsurpassed elevation rise of nearly 18,000 ft. to the summit.


"DIONNA™ has dramatically improved my body's performance by allowing me to hydrate faster and more effectively. I feel healthier, more refreshed and I can actually feel the difference in my training. DIONNA has given me that edge in performance and confidence that is a factor in the extremely high and dry altitudes I continually face on the mountain."

From Pequeno Alpamayo in South America to Mt. Elbrus in Russia, Ruben has climbed worldwide in his aspiration to reach all seven summits. He uses DIONNAeveryday to maximize his energy, hydration level, and the absorbtion of his daily nutritional supplements.

"I train several hours each day in a hypoxico chamber to simulate the lack of oxygen in high altitudes. It may sound strange but I actually feel lighter on my feet. DIONNA is not normal water... it is water the way our bodies are meant to absorb it and you will not find me anywhere without it! I am even taking it to the top (of Denali) with me. You see, normally on these high altitude climbs mountaineers do not carry water because of the high weight. We melt snow at rest stops for water. But I can tell you there will be a DIONNA in my bag the entire way up, and when I need it most it will be there for me!"

The expedition to the top of Denali has been orgainized by Alpine Ascents International. Alpine Ascents has a reputation as the safest, most experienced and passionate ascent coordinator and mountaineering school in the industry. The expedition is being led by one of the world's most famed mountaineers, Vernon Tejas. Vernon has summited the highest mountain on everycontinent and has guided well over forty climbs on Denali. For more information on the expedition and how to get involved in mountaineering visit Alpine Ascents.

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