Meet The Board of Scientific Advisors... |
- Lee Lorenzen is the Scientist who discovered Clustered Water.
- He has an impressive academic background.
- He received his BA in Biology from the University of California at Berkeley.
- Lorenzen went to UCI School of Medicine, as Research Associate in the Department of Pharmacology.
- He did his graduate studies in Biology at Cal State Fullerton.
- Finished up with Doctorate studies in Nutrition at Metropolitan Collegiate Institute, London, UK.
- Along with these educational achievements, Lee also ventured into teaching before he entered into research and development.
- He is an active member of the American Preventive Medical Association and has been awarded 2 US patents on Clustered Water technology (5,711,950 & 6,033,678).
- Lee has written and narrated many video and audiotapes on nutrition and health care for the general public and he has lectured extensively on the life sciences around the world.
- He has published articles in the proceedings of the Western Pharmacology Society, Life Sciences (London), Food Technology Japan, Up-to-date Food Processing and La Vie Japan.
- Lorenzen was recently honoured at the University of Paris and also the University of Olso, Norway. In Norway, he was awarded an honorary Doctorate Degree in Medicine for developing alternative therapies in the Healing Arts.
“I am happy to announce that Dr Glen Rein from Stanford University joined our team. You might remember that Professor William Tiller from Stanford inspired me in my work many years ago, however, Professor Rein inspired Professor Tiller. Rein is one of the foremost experts in water information technology and has performed research at Stanford and Harvard.“ --- Dr. Lee Lorenzen Dr. Rein received his Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of London. For the past 25 years he has pursued an academic career in traditional biomedical research at prestigious institutions such as Harvard and Stanford Medical Schools, where he studied neuroscience, immunology, psychoneuroimmunology and bioelectromagnetics. His bioelectromagnetics research culminated with an assistant professorship at Mt. Sinai Medical school and a publication in the prestigious journal " Nature ". Dr. Rein's 14 years of corporate experience in a New Venture research and product development environment for a Fortune 500 biotech company resulting in application of out-of-the box innovative problem-solving and conventional basic research ideas to practical product-oriented research. Dr. Rein used this unique type of expertise to effect changes in the structure of water with EM fields, thus changing its physical properties and allowing for its application to produce novel, enhanced effects in products for the skin-care industry.